The ROI of Storytelling - The Potential of a Branded Documentary

How many times have you been caught in an endless doom scroll on social media, only to feel empty and unfulfilled? For me, far too many. In the age of information overload, where consumers are bombarded with endless streams of content, the power of a well-told story can stand out as a beacon of authenticity and engagement. It’s not just about the likes and the view count because sharing a memorable story online can have effects even past when somebody puts their phone down.

The rise of branded documentaries has emerged as a testament to this truth, offering a canvas for companies to narrate their ethos, values, and mission through compelling, emotion-driven narratives. At the heart of this approach lies a strategic investment in storytelling - a tool that has proven its worth far beyond mere entertainment, morphing into a pivotal marketing strategy that boasts a remarkable Return on Investment (ROI).

But, what exactly is the ROI of storytelling?

that’s what we’re here to discover…

This article aims to unravel the ROI of storytelling, particularly through the lens of branded documentaries in marketing. In a world where consumers are increasingly seeking authenticity and connection, these documentaries offer a unique opportunity for brands to resonate with their audience on a deeply emotional level.

By weaving together narratives that echo the human experience, companies can transcend traditional advertising, fostering a genuine bond with their audience that yields not just immediate sales, but long-term brand loyalty and trust.

As we delve into the science of storytelling, we'll explore how emotional engagement enhances memory retention and brand perception, leading to increased consumer trust and, ultimately, sales. Through a blend of neuroscientific research, expert insights, and real-world case studies, this article will provide a comprehensive look at how storytelling, particularly through branded documentaries, can serve as an emotion-driven strategy with a significant ROI. In this social media and digital age, storytelling has found new platforms and greater reach, understanding its impact is more crucial than ever for marketers and filmmakers alike.

To fully understand the ROI of storytelling it’s not just about numbers; it's about understanding the power of narrative to move hearts, change minds, and drive action. I know, it sounds cheesy, but understanding that this evidence showcases storytelling not as a mere marketing tactic, but as a fundamental human connection that brands can harness to forge lasting relationships with their audience.

The Science of Storytelling

Emotional Connection

At the core of every compelling marketing strategy lies the ability to connect emotionally with the audience. Stories have a unique power to evoke emotions, making them a critical tool for brands aiming to establish a memorable presence. Neuroscientific research reveals that when we engage with stories, our brain releases oxytocin, a hormone that enhances empathy and facilitates social bonding.

Paul Zak, a pioneer in the study of the neurological underpinnings of human behaviors, found that narratives that include tension followed by resolution increase the production of oxytocin (a type of hormone in your body that promotes positive feelings) and, consequently, the viewer's sense of empathy towards characters in a story. This neurochemical response does not just make the story more engaging; it makes the brand more memorable and can significantly enhance viewer retention rates.

According to a study published in the "Journal of Consumer Psychology," information presented as part of a narrative is remembered more accurately, and for longer, than the same information given in a list. Not to get too technical, but this is attributed to these narrative's ability to engage more parts of the brain, such as the regions responsible for sensory experiences, which are not activated when processing factual information alone. In story-driven marketing efforts, this heightened engagement translates into better brand recall and loyalty, as consumers are more likely to remember and favor brands that have made them feel something profound.

Brand Identity and Trust

Storytelling is not just a medium of entertainment but a powerful conduit for shaping brand identity and building trust. Through stories, brands can communicate their values, missions, and visions in a way that resonates with their audience's own experiences and aspirations.

When you watch Patagonia’s films, for example, you’ll notice they would not be nearly as impactful as brand marketing pieces if they just told you the technical details of their jackets. A large reason they’ve built such a successful company is by connecting with the ethos and values of their customers. A compelling narrative can transform a company from a faceless entity into a character in the consumer's own life story, fostering a deeper sense of connection and trust.

Branding experts like Seth Godin have long advocated for the use of storytelling in marketing, arguing that "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell." This approach is particularly effective in today's market, where consumers are increasingly skeptical of traditional advertising and seek authenticity in the brands they support.

By narrating the journey behind a product, the ethos of the company, or the impact on the community, brands can engender trust and loyalty, setting the foundation for a lasting relationship with their audience.

Conversion and Sales

The ultimate goal of any marketing strategy is to drive conversions and sales, and storytelling has proven to be an effective means to this end. Emotion-driven marketing, which leverages storytelling to evoke emotional responses, has been shown to significantly impact consumer behavior. A study by the Tempkin Group found that companies that excel at customer experience, often through emotional engagement, are more profitable than their competitors, with a 70% higher purchase intention reported among emotionally engaged consumers.

Moreover, Nielsen's Consumer Neuroscience study revealed that ads with above-average emotion response from consumers caused a 23% increase in sales compared to average advertisements. This statistic underscores the direct link between emotional engagement, achieved through storytelling, and increased sales. It highlights the tangible ROI that can be attained when companies invest in crafting narratives that touch the heart.

My film with KT Tape that was used as a part of a holistic campaign to launch US Bronze Medalist Molly Seidel’s limited edition product

can Storytelling work for small companies too?

If you work at a small company, these numbers may sound great but there’s always a concern that story driven marketing doesn’t work for anything but larger corporations. That’s not true. Smaller companies are at an advantage when it comes to story driven marketing since they can embody more personal, relatable stories that resonate deeply with their audiences. From the founder's journey to the meticulous care behind product creation, these narratives can forge a unique connection with consumers, showcasing authenticity and passion that large corporations often struggle to convey.

It's about the heart of the story you tell and the authenticity with which you tell it. Therefore, small companies should see storytelling as an investment in their brand's emotional equity, potentially yielding returns far exceeding traditional marketing efforts. The key is to leverage their unique narratives, connecting with their audience on a human level, to drive engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, growth.

Storytelling Drives Action

By harnessing the power of narrative to evoke emotions, shape brand identity, and foster trust, companies can achieve not just a fleeting attention but lasting loyalty and increased conversions. The evidence is clear: when brands tell a story well, the audience not only listens but acts. It's clear that the power of narrative extends far beyond mere entertainment.

Storytelling, especially through the medium of branded documentaries, emerges as a pivotal strategy that engages audiences on a profoundly emotional level, builds trust and identity for brands, and significantly boosts conversions and sales. The science of storytelling unveils its undeniable impact on the human brain, fostering empathy, enhancing memory, and driving actions through emotional connections.

Looking ahead, the future of storytelling in marketing appears bright and boundless.

Technological advancements, like various AI tools and cheaper but higher quality cameras, promise to take narrative opportunities to new heights, offering audiences not just a story to watch but brands to connect with. As consumer expectations evolve towards a desire for authenticity, transparency, and engagement, the role of storytelling will only grow in significance. The brands that succeed will be those that harness the art of storytelling to weave narratives that are not only compelling but also true to their core values and vision.

For marketers and filmmakers alike, this presents a golden opportunity. The call to action is clear: leverage the power of documentary storytelling to craft authentic, emotion-driven narratives that resonate with your audience. As a filmmaker specializing in branded documentaries, I’ve seen the potential for the companies I work with to create meaningful connections and achieve significant ROI through storytelling. By embracing this approach, you can not just increase sales but elevate your brand's message leaving a lasting impact on your audience and set a new standard in the marketing realm.

Let’s Connect

Roo is a commercial/documentary filmmaker and photographer based in Boulder, Colorado but travels all around the world for his filmmaking career. He has directed documentaries for Patagonia in California, produced films for Outside Magazine throughout Europe and Africa, camera operated for Netflix in the Rocky Mountain West, photographed among indigenous communities in South America, and has received notable recognition in his hometown of Orcas Island in Washington State for his work telling uplifting stories in the outdoor space.


- Zak, Paul J. "The Neurochemistry of Empathy, Storytelling, and the Dramatic Arc, Explained." *Annals of New York Academy of Sciences*.

- "Journal of Consumer Psychology." The Persuasive Power of Story in Consumer Psychology.

- Godin, Seth. *All Marketers Tell Stories*.

- Tempkin Group Study on Customer Experience.

- Nielsen's Consumer Neuroscience Study on Emotional Response to Ads.

Roo Smith