Costa Rican Coffee Farm


The History

The Café de Monteverde farm began about 30 years ago as a chicken, cows and only a little coffee. Eventually, they made the switch to full time coffee production where they remain today as one of the leading coffee producers in Costa Rica.

A large part of this farm’s community involvement is surrounding education. The more they can get the younger generations involved and connected to the land, the greater opportunity for sustainable farming practices to remain in place.

Chat with Me

Roo is a commercial/documentary filmmaker and photographer based in Boulder, Colorado but travels all around the world for his filmmaking career. He has produced films for Outside Magazine in Ireland, camera operated for Netflix in the Rocky Mountain West, photographed among indigenous communities in Peru and Ecuador, directed videos with professional climbers in Mexico and has received notable recognition in his hometown of Orcas Island in Washington State for his work telling uplifting stories in the outdoor space.